„No time to die“ – Des Pudels Kern
"The crux of the matter" brings together various perspectives: Nina Gurol dedicates herself in her work as a pianist and death companion to death; she has long since lost her fear of it. Tobias Esch is a physician and neuroscientist researching our happiness. Where do we meet, what is at Des Pudels Kern?
Just in letting go, spaces for happiness emerge – we embark on the search for them. A live talk at the Museum Ludwig, in cooperation with the Cologne Philharmonic, in reference to the concert "The Book of Water" on Thursday, March 21, 2024, at 8:00 PM. "Des Pudels Kern" is a podcast series revolving around classical and contemporary music, philosophy, art, and science. The conversations will be published as a podcast on all relevant channels and broadcasted on WDR 3. Moderation and concept: Elisa Erkelenz and David-Maria Gramse.
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