„No time to die“ – Des Pudels Kern
"The crux of the matter" brings together various perspectives: Nina Gurol dedicates herself in her work as a pianist and death companion to death; she has long since lost her fear of it. Tobias Esch is a physician and neuroscientist researching our happiness. Where do we meet, what is at Des Pudels Kern?

„58 Minuten“ with Vanessa Porter
The pianist Nina Gurol and the percussionist Vanessa Porter open in their program "58 MINUTES" a musical-artistic perspective on a highly topical societal discourse. Every 52-58 minutes, a person in Germany takes their own life. Suicides are not a problem of marginalized groups - they are everyday occurrences.

PhD in Musicology
"Social differences among the deceased - poor, rich, beggars, kings - and the forms of remembrance are one aspect, the other being that death makes no distinctions." - (Peter Gülke). As part of my doctoral research at the Hochschule für Musik Karlsruhe, I am investigating the function and affectivity of music in transcultural mourning processes.

I am pleased to announce that I will now be conducting research as an associate member of the Thanatology Working Group. In this context, I will be focusing on examining how dying and mourning function within homelessness and the role of funeral music in the context of transcultural encounters. You can now find me among the associate members of Thanatology.